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How to start a good online petition? - Printable Version

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How to start a good online petition? - Jack - 12-22-2013 05:56 PM

I need to start a good online petition that will get attention,

I have created one before but it did not get attention like some of the other ones have and am becoming quickly frustrated by this.

Some online petitions will send emails out and get awareness of people and I don't understand how to go about it.


- [мιssα!] - 12-22-2013 06:03 PM

Social media is your friend when it comes to things like this. Use it to your full advantage! E-mail is okay, but people tend to delete them or let it sit in their inbox. Do you have facebook, twitter, tumblr? I wouldn't be to "spammy" about it (just sending out links to your petition) but get people in the know about what you're petitioning. tumblr will allow you to explain in full detail, & add tags to your post so people can actually find you! facebook could work similarly, but it's better if you have a lot of connections/friends. If it's an issue people care about, people will share your link (you can also ask politely for them to do so) & the signatures will come in. It's not particularly easy, but very possible to do!