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How to Unlok facebook account ? - Printable Version

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How to Unlok facebook account ? - Madhu - 12-22-2013 06:57 PM

Hi ,

My cousin was using facebook account when she was in INDIA.When she went to philippines she tried to access the same account,But unfoutunately it's got locked.Now,To unlock the account she has two options "Send verification code to Mobile" and "Identify photos".

But the phone number in the account does not exist now.when she tried to identify the photos it's showing some unknown she can not be able to identify them.

Can anyone please help how to unlock the account.

Thanks & Regards

- Kurt - 12-22-2013 06:59 PM

well heres the deal, you added people that you have no idea who they are. so you can't identify then that's your own fault don't blame fb its not for adding strangers, second, try to access the old phone or the e mail. its the only way,

- ATUL - 12-22-2013 07:15 PM

You cant unlock it without the phone number or email address that was used in creating the account

- Nata - 12-22-2013 07:27 PM

Identify photos is the solution.You can not get your page without Identify photos.

- SHIJIL - 12-22-2013 07:35 PM


- Mohit - 12-22-2013 07:37 PM

Please visit the Facebook help center to find answers to your questions regarding access to your account. Complete all verification steps and don't add unknown peoples. Use very safely your Facebook account.