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How to have a secret instagram account? 10 points fast!? - Printable Version

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How to have a secret instagram account? 10 points fast!? - cooingHard998 - 12-25-2013 10:59 AM

Hello! Well i have a instagram,(its a photo sharing site) i dont want people from my school to see my account, cause i like getting away from all the facebook drama! People on my facebook friends list, whenever they get instagram it connects to facebook and shows them what friends on their list have instagram, how can i have a account where no one from my school can find it?

- Charlotte - 12-25-2013 11:00 AM

you cant ? unless you dont put your name and get twitter because its got to be connected to something

- Lucy - 12-25-2013 11:02 AM

Dont let it connect to face book when you upload a pic and it says connect to facebook say no !

- Laura - 12-25-2013 11:08 AM

When you make an Instagram it asks if you want to find friends on Facebook or in your contact list. Just click no for both and no one will find out unless you go follow them

- Reign - 12-25-2013 11:12 AM

First u go to the settings
Second u hit the photo sharing or photo privacy thing
Thrid u hit that button and hit okay for the warning box
Finally when people want to follow u you can go to their profile and can do yes or no if they want to follow u
and follow me @ladybuglove21