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Facebook Blocking.. What happened? - Printable Version

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Facebook Blocking.. What happened? - sugarandspice11111 - 12-25-2013 02:07 PM

I guess the reason I asked this is because I noticed this strange thing the other day. My ex and I haven't been facebook friends after he blocked me. So of course I couldn't see his profile or his picture. It would show up "facebook user" or just no picture.

Well the other day when I was posting something I noticed that in my post options of *friends except restricted* it also listed his name. I just shrugged it off as whatever.

Then I realize now that some of the posts he made or the message I still have from when we last spoke shows his name and his profile picture. Of course if I go to click on his name I can't go to his account...

So what does this mean? Did he like unblock me and reblock me... because I can see his picture and his name now.

- Shinee Mush - 12-25-2013 02:11 PM

no, it's just that he had previously dis-activate his account, that's the reason the name / profile was not visible, and now he just re-activate it

- Daniel - 12-25-2013 02:18 PM

Its Possible he Could've Unblocked and Than Reblocked Its Also Possible That your EX Deactivated There Account and Than Reactivated it Again

- Angeleyes - 12-25-2013 02:28 PM

It seems that he had deactivated his account, then he reactivated it again.