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Locked out of facebook? - Printable Version

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Locked out of facebook? - john - 12-25-2013 06:05 PM

I went to log on to FB yesterday. I did it correctly, Instead of getting in, a screen came up and asked me to duplicate a capcha . The reason given was that 'it seemed i logged into FB recently from a mobile device or another computer'. FIRSTLY,, this is false. I only use FB from home. Well after i completed the capch successfully, i was then asked to answer a security question. Which was 'What street did you live on when you were 8 years old?' Now i dont remember ever doing that,,, but lets say i did. At the time I lived on 230st and 131st ave. So I put in 230st...wrong, i put in 230street...wrong, I put in 131ave, then 131 avenue...wrong, wrong wrong. So I dont know if its case sensitive or what....or even if thats the right answer. Meanwhile, I cant contact FB, because you have to log into FB to contact them. I cant find a phone number to contact them. In the process of Googleing remedies. i did see a site that tells you that sometimes this is a hack job and phishing. If the FB site is a fraud and all of the above happens, there is sometimes a place where you can click to 'remedy' the problem. If you click on it a form will appear that tells you to fill in all this info,,which a lot is personal, and then FB can correct the lock out problem. This is a phishing scam. That is not what happened to me. I need some genius out there to tell me how to unlock FB or how to contact them directly to fix this. Any FB wizards out there??

- john - 12-25-2013 06:14 PM

Hack jobs are fake. If they are on google where ANYONE can see them, their not legitimate.

- Karen - 12-25-2013 06:20 PM

I've had the same issue and now locked out , stating try later as I've used too many codes ! So any advice welcome thanks