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Could I get in trouble for creating a group like this on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Could I get in trouble for creating a group like this on Facebook? - RaNdOm - 12-26-2013 02:40 AM

My friends and I are thinking about creating an anti-mormon group for our high school. See the graduating class of 2013 is run by mormons basically and its a closed group. The mormons that run it invite mormons that arent even in the graduating class of 2013. Could my friends and I get in trouble for creating a group for kids at our high school called "anti-mormon class of 2013"?

- iPod Shuffle - 12-26-2013 02:50 AM

as long as you have no obvious school identifier on the page.. but just be cautious and all will be good

- Voyage - 12-26-2013 02:56 AM

You won't get "in trouble". However, Facebook might just delete the group because it sounds like a group against Mormons. You would be better off calling it something like "Non-Mormon class of 2013"

- jazmine - 12-26-2013 03:01 AM

No you cant just don't post unwanted pictures of the mormansmormans. But you can not get in trouble it's just a page of what you believe in.