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If I Wonder About My Ex If Shes thinking about me what does that mean? - Printable Version

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If I Wonder About My Ex If Shes thinking about me what does that mean? - KidkID Moe - 10-14-2012 12:55 AM

like at times i wonder but then im doing my own thing, & when i hear this song by CB Called Fools with you makes me think about the future & i cant wait to love again


like im 21 going on 22 next week im soo nervous..bout getting old & i might be single forever but dont get me wrong i've been lookin & i've always been the guy to play it safe when it came to relation i've always had that one person never was the type to bring a girl over to my moms house if the one i was dating wasnt around but that was my old bad habit when i was 15-19 because me & this girl were in a off & on relationship...she dated other people & still was always thinking about her & i never really actually got serious with any one since i was 19..not because of her well for a year & 5 months it was...& im out just having fun but at the sametime i want that Feeling back..but then again im not much of a dating guy but then like i said i miss that Feeling

& most of the time i dont even think about her, only time i kind've really do is When Chris Brown Song Called She Aint You Comes on but other then that im doing my grown we talk every now & then...& its like part of me is glad were still friends but i dont care who's she dates really like..& what Really gets me thinkin about that one is out there is when i go & listen to Chris Brown I Fools with you

& Just saying its just like on Twitter Rhianna Followed Chris Brown on Twitter & brown did the same back to her....& they both prolly moved on..& its like when i text my ex my cousin will be like aww you & Britney thinking about gettin backtogether & im thinkin like Nooo we just catchin up on Old times but at times i still think she likes me but not as much when i was 19 thoe...cause im a party kid now compared to when i was 18 & 19 i like messin around nowadays...& the other day she told me she had to ask me something but when i called her she never really talked about it but if she asked me to date her again 2yr later i'll be like wow uuhhhm imma have to say know cause i dont want to try & recreate what we Had

- Blue Rose - 10-14-2012 01:03 AM

Well despite having trashy fun, you want dedication. You like the idea - the feeling - of having someone loyal to you, that you can always go to after whatever happened in your life. I honestly don't get people who date for so long, then continue being friends after breaking up... you can never be normal friends again..either let go completely, or stay together completely. As fun as it may be to "mess around" you will not find real satisfaction until you start improving your "gentleman skills" and loyalty traits.