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Why am I blocked from liking Facebook pages for 30 days? - Printable Version

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Why am I blocked from liking Facebook pages for 30 days? - Not Just Anyone - 12-27-2013 07:11 PM

I got an alert, and so did a friend of mine, and some of our likes were removed and we are not able to like any page for 30 days. I haven't done anything to cause this I don't think. All I've done recently is like posts, comment (with or without photos), and sharing posts. Why did this happen?
I don't think my comments offended any page, because pages were offencive altogether. I just signed into Facebook a few days ago and on my screen the alert popped up saying Facebook deleted some of my liked pages and told me I wasn't allowed to like anything for 30 days.

- David - 12-27-2013 07:13 PM

cause ur weird

- pri✍ - 12-27-2013 07:18 PM

Maybe the Page don't like your comments and thus expell you as fan of the Page?
Or, with/without your knowledge, you post some malware?
For this possibilities, do check whether you install suspious apk, remove it and the ones you don't use; do deep scan for virus, remove any trace of malware/scam in your timeline, etc.