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Overprotective parents and I've no facebook? - Printable Version

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Overprotective parents and I've no facebook? - Denn - 12-28-2013 12:43 AM

Hey I am a fourteen year old kid in high school looking for advice and understanding. The like 97% percent of my school have a facebook and I feel so left out since I dont have one. I hang out in the huge popular groups and all my friends have one. I feel left out. I dont get why my parents are against it and ive tried so many ways to convince them. Its like they dont trust me and all they know about is the bad crap about facebook and think thats majority even though I told em it isnt. I tried just uaing it for friemds I know and that there are privacy settings and even that I will giv em my password. Everytime I aask em, like every two to three momths, it always turns into an argument. My gpa is over 4.0 and im in marching band and tennis team. My saxophone leader in band keps telli me to get fb so our section could talk about section songs and shirts but my parents dont giv a dam. And then dvery time my group or our president says somethin I dont even know wth goin on. I feel so mad at my parents . I dont even get to hang out with my friends or parties unless its school-related. And the thing is I keep so much anger inside of me becuase of them. And I have no ome to talk to because I was taught to not trust anyone. Please help.

- Christine - 12-28-2013 12:53 AM

They have a right to be protective... bad people are EVERYWHERE... there are so many missing teens, they just want to make sure you are safe... as for facebook; stalkers are everywhere believe me... Just be a good kid, and LISTEN TO UR PARENTS BECAUSE THEY NO BEST... I'm 20

- Rachel - 12-28-2013 01:01 AM

I think you should just drop it! Facebook isn't even that popular anymore so it really doesn't matter if you have one or not. It may feel like your super left out but your not because no one goes on it anymore! Your parents just want what they think what's best for you. It might not be, but they have reasons for it. Just let it go cuz Facebook is on it's way out

- Temporary username - 12-28-2013 01:16 AM

Facebook isnt that much of a big thing tbh, its a pile of wank. But if you really want one just make one behind their backs:--) and if they find out, they find out, I mean you've argued to them before about facebook anyways

However I do think you should ask them why they won't let you on one, just promise you wont go adding pedophiles or whatever