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A stranger with cerbral palsy messaged me on facebook? - Printable Version

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A stranger with cerbral palsy messaged me on facebook? - Brittany - 12-29-2013 05:11 AM

I just turned 18 2 weeks ago, and he is 24. He messaged me and said Hi. I responded back and he confessed that he has CP and he is in a wheelchair, he just wants to meet new friends. What would do?

- Kathietu - 12-29-2013 05:14 AM

Just stop talking to him. People that I don't know message me on Facebook a lot and then I freak out so I blocked or stopped talking to them.

- Joseph - 12-29-2013 05:25 AM

Brittany - if this is a stranger, how do you know that he actually does have CP? I hope you don't say because he sent you a picture of him in his wheelchair because anyone can take a picture of anyone else. Don't you realize that people lie on the internet? The linked article is mainly about Omegle and Chatroulette, but could apply to your situation on Facebook.

How did he get your name to message you? Did he search for you by area? Personally, if you were my daughter, I would tell you to stop "talking" to this guy. If you don't want to break contact with him, whatever you do, don't send him your picture or tell him your address or phone number. If he's your Facebook friend, keep your privacy locked to him. You don't want him to see your friends or any pictures that they post.

Don't be sucked in by a pity routine. It could be dangerous for you.

- Roshen - 12-29-2013 05:30 AM

Let him play.. I think he is a liar.. you are 18.. Smile be strong