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what are the social media tips for blogging? - Printable Version

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what are the social media tips for blogging? - Saad Rehman - 10-14-2012 01:21 AM

Any one of you know social media tips tips for blogging

- Saadia - 10-14-2012 01:29 AM

Social Media

Much has been written about the use of social media sites to get traffic to a blog. I will therefore discuss this item more general sense of social media and share some principles for social media traffic.

1.Be an Active Participant In Social Media:
2. Learn The Rules and The Culture:

- gurusmith - 10-14-2012 01:29 AM

Social media marketing has at its core the foundation of valuable, shareable content in all the various forms of rich media whether that be text, video or images.
People watch YouTube videos because they are entertaining, educational or just plain funny. Viewers turn up to your Slideshare account and take the time to view a presentation because the content is compelling. LinkedIn works well for personal branding because you are providing answers to your peers to questions in the Q&A section and providing updates that answers problems, informs and educates.
Twitter teases you to click on links that are engaging blog posts or news that is topical and timely. The knowledge economy is all about the content. Facebook is where your audience is online so content needs to be posted and updated to the social giants ecosystem.Produce inspiring, educational and awesome content that is so compelling that people want to share it, this is the foundation of your marketing. All media is about good content and social media is no different
Write regularly and consistently, people will then come and visit regularly and keep coming back because they know it will be new and topical (that is why magazines have regular publishing time frames)
Learn to write a headlines that make people want to read the rest of your article
Use ‘list’ posts (eg 50 Fascinating Facebook Facts and Figures) regularly. They may be a bit passe for some, but they work and tend to get passed around online
Place a Retweet button on your blog at the top of the posts (WordPress plugins make this really easy to do)
Place a Facebook share button at the top of all posts
Include a Facebook ‘like box’ near the top right side of the blog so people can ‘like’ your Facebook page even while they are on your blog
Place a LinkedIn share button on your blog (LinkedIn has over 100 million users and they are typically high earners and influential)
Comment regularly on other bloggers in your niche
As you grow your traffic and followers, highlight this on your blog and demonstrate some ‘social proof’. This could even include the number of Twitter followers you have or awards you have won or your website grade or even your Twitter grade
Make it easy for people to subscribe via email (email marketing may be perceived as old school but it works big time!)
Offer to guest post on a another influential bloggers blogs and provide a link back to your blog as part of the agreement
Provide subscribe buttons so people can follow you on your other web properties (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc)
Provide a subscription button via RSS so people can have your posts pushed to them in their ’Google Reader’ account after they are published