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Posting a picture of abs to twitter/facebook? - Printable Version

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Posting a picture of abs to twitter/facebook? - Go Fish - 12-29-2013 10:37 AM

Just now I was planning on posting a picture (profile picture) of me topless to twitter . Now I was gonna use this as an experiment to see if I would gain more followers quicker (not a follower seeker, was just experimenting). This is the picture (one's edited, the other isn't):
As you can see, facial-wise I haven't got much going for me, but I do have natural (don't hate, I do a bit of athletics too) abs. So, would I look like a d-bag if I did put this as my profile picture. What would you think if you saw this? I'm not actually full of myself and I keep myself very open but also quite modest (however, I do jokingly be cocky sometimes). People from my school follow me and I'm a bit afraid they might judge me for it? Would you? Btw I'm 14 approaching 15. Thanks for answers

- new2sk8ing - 12-29-2013 10:49 AM

If you posted it as a progress thing, it wouldn't be a big deal. But otherwise, it's just like you're showing off.

- Lewis - 12-29-2013 10:52 AM

Don't use your body to attract an audience. It's egotistical and actually quite bizarre. It looks like you have low self-esteem and are just trying to gain some confidence.

- Daniel - 12-29-2013 11:01 AM

i Would Not Recommend Doing it Some People May Report the Photo For Nudity on Facebook

While its Not Fully Nude your Shirt isint On Some People May Think its Offensive and Facebook May Remove it If it Gets Reported they May Even Delete your Account