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Hi I need to know how people become famous on Instagram. Ok so don't tell me to take good pictures or follow people who follow famous people I tried that but it still doesn't work help me please p.s follow me on Instagram @ashlynndirection68.

- Spencer Dixon - 12-29-2013 11:47 AM

If ur followers are doing like a shout out thing, try that and people will notice it and follow (usually)

- Scott - 12-29-2013 12:02 PM

1. Upload Only the Best Photos (And Not All at Once)

It almost goes without saying, but the first step to Instagram stardom is simple: take beautiful pictures. The images that get the strongest response on the service tend to be especially attractive, interesting and well-composed photographs. While it may be tempting at first to snap a photo of every meal or every time your cat finds its way into an empty box, redundant photos of the more mundane, day-to-day stuff won't grab much attention.

2. Pay Attention to What Works

To get a better idea of what type of content works well on Instagram, you've got a few tools at your disposal. First, make a habit of regularly checking out the "Popular" tab in the app to see what kinds of photos make it there. Don't just copy other users' ideas, but do become familiar with the type of material that wins the "Popular" designation and try working some of those elements into your own images.

3. Use Hashtags, Especially Popular Ones

Much like people on Twitter, Instagram users make use of hashtags to tag and categorize content. Tagging your photos gives them another opportunity to be found. For example, if I take a photo of a skyline and tag it with the very popular hashtag #sky, that photo will show up alongside thousands of others on the page for that tag.

4. Follow Others

One of the actions most likely to garner new followers on Instagram is following others, not unlike the way Twitter sometimes works. At the very least, it will call the other's attention to your profile and if they like it, they'll likely follow it. Of course, there are no guarantees. But in general, if you routinely follow new people, you're bound to get some return follows.

5. Geotag Your Photos

Like using hashtags, geotagging provides another data point that can be used to categorize and display content. On Instagram, each defined location has its own page, which includes a map of the location and any photos taken there. Thus, anybody who publishes a photo from that same location (or views a photo taken there and taps the location's name) will see your image as well. If they tap through to your profile and like what they see, you've got yourself another follower.

6. Like and Comment on Other Photos

One of the easiest ways to grab the attention of like-minded Instagrammers is to generously "like" the photos that catch your eye, whether they be in your existing feed or outside your network. If you have a compliment or comment to make, don't be shy about it. Taking the few seconds it requires to comment on another user's photo can drive new viewers to your profile.