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I want to delete FB account but how? - Printable Version

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I want to delete FB account but how? - Napolean bismarck - 12-29-2013 06:46 PM

But there are some people whom i've added as brothers and sisters.I want to delete it as soon as possible but it might hurt them.I haven't been in touch with them as they were my college mates, but it really sucks.What to do?I really want to delete it

- Mohammad - 12-29-2013 06:51 PM

SETTINS&PRIVACY(at down of homepage) >> GENERAL >> (at down of page) ACCOUNT => DE-ACTIVATE >>YES/ACCEPT

- Fanhaz - 12-29-2013 07:07 PM

In facebook you can only deactivate your account. the deletion may be it is not possible at all. Just deactivated it and nobody will found your account anymore.

- Hari - 12-29-2013 07:20 PM

1. Go to this link
2. Click the "Submit" Button
3. Do not sign into facebook for 14 Days, also do not click on any "Like" buttons on any website.
4. Go out and enjoy your life, you are free now!

- Parikshi - 12-29-2013 07:33 PM

In order to delete your facebook account you have to :-
1.) Login To Facebook
2.) Go To
3.) Click Delete Account

- Shikhar - 12-29-2013 07:38 PM

you can delete fb account ..but tat will take 14 days ...if u didn't open ur fb after following these step for 14 days