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facebook security/prevention? - Printable Version

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facebook security/prevention? - Cautiousguy1 - 12-29-2013 06:49 PM

I have a question. If my facebook account were to get hacked by a bug/spambot, would the spambot also bother people who are no longer my facebook friends? Im in a rather unique situation. I have repeatedly messaged someone (who I have had some angry conflicts with in the past) for the last couple of months, and foolishly did not realize that this is inappropriate/stalkerish behavior.

Of course I have stopped messaging him now, but Im afraid that if a spambot were to take over my account, it might send another message/post/ad to him just because I used to have him as a friend/interacted with him through all those messages. I repeat, he used to be my facebook friend in the past, but I have now removed him from my friends list.

This is a very serious situation for me, because if anything (whether it be a personal message, a post, or even a false friend request) is sent from my account to his, it will escalate the conflict between me and this person, and I dont want that to happen.

Please Advise,
Worried User
I sent the majority of the messages to him AFTER I defriended him. just including this in case timing makes any difference.


- abraXus - 12-29-2013 07:05 PM

if you arent friends with him anymore, the spambot would have no way to automate messages based on past messages

and just so you know, the person probably never even read the messages you sent him after you were no longer friends, because those messages would have been put into his "other messages" folder and he would have never been notified that they were there

but spambots can only gain access to your account if you are foolish enough to fall for a phishing page... if by spambot you mean a "like page that asks for your permission to let their app post as you", their options for actions using your account are severely limited by facebook

so dont worry

- Daniel - 12-29-2013 07:19 PM

Most Likely They Wont Target People Who Are Not your Friends They Would Do it to your Friends But Even Than If They Are Spamming Messages Facebook's Filter Would Probably Put it in There Other Folder