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I faked my Suicide death on Facebook as a elaborate prank because I thought it would be funny, I sick? - Printable Version

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I faked my Suicide death on Facebook as a elaborate prank because I thought it would be funny, I sick? - Cynthia Peach - 12-29-2013 07:07 PM

I am an adult who pretended that I was my mother who logged onto my Facebook Account, and told someone I knew had a REALLY big mouth, that I committed Suicide. Well the news of my Suicide spread like wildfire and people were posting post in my memory and crying and saying what a wonderful person I was and how sad and blah, blah, blah. Well...I just broke the news that is was a joke by posting a pic of myself online while holding a sign saying "Gotcha!" Lol. People are really mad at me now, but I thought it was HILARIOUS ...Am I sick in the head or just have a sick sense of humor?

- Shih Tzu - 12-29-2013 07:19 PM

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. You'll probably lose all your friends, and rightly so.

- Jared - 12-29-2013 07:23 PM

You are sick in the head, with a disgusting sense of humor, and I urge you to read the book 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'

Put things into perspective. I hope they stay mad at you for a while.

- sarahbobarah - 12-29-2013 07:33 PM

Sounds to me like you have no respect for your friends feelings. It was not funny at all, i wouldn't blame people for cutting you out of their lives after this, who wants to be friends with someone who has no regard for them at all.

- Kathleen - 12-29-2013 07:39 PM

That's a really weird and hurtful thing to do. I think you have an issue with attention-getting, and you're really not very funny.

What if someone you really cared about pretended to die? How would you feel if it was done to you?

I think you have hurt and humiliated an awful lot of people.

- Bomber - 12-29-2013 07:50 PM

Both... that wasn't funny... some people don't find death a joke... or something to joke about... you'll notice as your life goes on that they will treat you with less respect now.

- Aireonna - 12-29-2013 07:56 PM

You have to realize a death is a very serious thing. People now will accept anything they are told without actually thinking it through and death isn't something meant for fun. No, you shouldn't have done it and it will probably be a very long time before you family, friends, etc, believe anything you say again.

On a lighter note, at least you know people do care for you.

- James - 12-29-2013 07:59 PM

No just a complete and utter selfish prat. You won't like this answer but in one minute of sanity just think of your mum and all the others who had to contend with this death notice. Do it too often then when it does happen you will pass by completely unnoticed. You say you are an adult but I must disagree with you. Your are a selfish spoilt moron please grow before it is too late not for my sake for I don't give a damn but for all those people you hurt and MAINLY for yourself. Have a laugh definitely but surely there are better ways than that.

Eat some humble pie and profusely apologise to all those people who were upset on news of your death.

- Alicia - 12-29-2013 08:04 PM

You claim to be an adult, yet you didn't know that this was a really stupid idea?

This doesn't show that you have a sick sense of humor or that you are "sick in the head". What is shows is that you are an attention ho who doesn't care about anyone else's feelings, just as long as you are getting attention. Did you get your jollies when people started saying how sad they were that you were gone? You did all this just to see how others would react to your "death"....sad.

Hopefully, this little stunt of yours will show your "friends" what a selfish person you are and will cut you out of their lives.

- flatsheet175 - 12-29-2013 08:11 PM

that's the most fucked up,sickest thing i ever heard and should be ashamed of your self and you deserve to have no FRIENDS AFTER This,You might think its all funny now but people DO take this serious because suicide isn't something to be joking about,i knew people who took there's life's ,and i had friends who i grew up and knew who ended up taking there own life's,
as well as the guy i was madly in love with,who did the exact same thing.

suicide isn't something to mess with because i have been there so many times before!!

No Family should go Thu this awful pain and also NO parent should go and Bury there OWN CHILD!

grow the fuck up !!!.