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What are the FREE methods of List Building from start apart from Article Marketing, Forums, Social Networking? - Printable Version

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What are the FREE methods of List Building from start apart from Article Marketing, Forums, Social Networking? - apra - 10-14-2012 01:33 AM

Please let me know of any other FREE methods of building a list from scratch apart from Article Marketing, Forums, Social Networking. Methods which give results fast. Thanks!

- Jake - 10-14-2012 01:41 AM

As they say, it takes money to make money, a common rule of thumb is a competent marketers list is worth $1 per person per month. Trying to do it for free may be short sighted.

Of course if you have a popular site with good search ranking, you just have to offer the typical incentive, like a cheap ebook after they sign up to your list. For most, the problem is getting the visitors to their site, you've Xed out 1/2 of the popular backlink getting methods.

- Mimosatree - 10-14-2012 01:41 AM

Viral marketing is a great way to advertise because it never ever stops. With this viral marketing tool you can advertise, make money, and build a list. These are the 3 most important components when it comes to internet marketing. Plus, it really works.

- imisidro - 10-14-2012 01:41 AM

Methods for list building

- Linkbaits and viral marketing. This could really build up your list fast especially if you are giving away free ebooks or whitepapers or a very funny video that others want to share fast with their contacts

- Guest blog posting - same as article writing but instead of you blasting your article to submission directories, you select a few high quality, high traffic blogs and offer to write for them