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Facebook isn't archiving my data! Now what? - Printable Version

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Facebook isn't archiving my data! Now what? - Jessica - 12-30-2013 04:47 AM

I have over 121,000 messages from a conversation I'm trying to download. I used Facebook's data archive feature to download a copy of my Facebook data - and it gave me everything BUT my messages (the page where messages were supposed to be said there was an error and they were looking into it).
So I tried archiving my data again. Facebook sent me the "we're getting your data ready!" email, but never sent me the email to download it. When I checked back a little later, my data wasn't ready - it had never been compiled, and the green "start my archive" button was back! So I tried it again. Again, initial email, but no follow-up, and it reset itself again. Confused Facebook has nothing about this in their "Help" center (feel free to use air quotes on that).
Those 121+K messages are important to me. I've tried using and resetting the link's view values, which is the only other way I've seen, but that hasn't worked - and there's too many messages to do it manually anyway; it would crash my poor little Macbook. XD
If anybody has any advice about Facebook archiving, if it's doing this to anybody else, how to fix this, etc... it's been over a month I've been trying to download these messages, please help. XD

- confused composing - 12-30-2013 04:52 AM

You said you tried that using FB mobile web, have you tried access FB full site?
(I don't know what is Mac book) But, do try access If your Mac Book was considered as mobile, it will force you to the mobile web as that is the default for mobile, but don't worry, just click your browser Menu, then tick something like 'view as desktop', it will give you the FB full site.
Or you may try doing the procedure again using a computer. Once you get the link to download your data, you can do it via your Mac Book or better via computer if your Mac can't handle the huge downloading (not only message you know, but many others as well as your albums).