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How do you re-post stuff on instagram? - Printable Version

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How do you re-post stuff on instagram? - Monica Skinner - 12-30-2013 07:33 AM

I am new to instagram. I do not know a lot of stuff about it. please help!

- Leah - 12-30-2013 07:48 AM

It's easier than it sounds. Assuming you have an iPhone, take a screen shot of the picture you want to repost by pressing on the home button and the top button at the same time. Then go to your Instagram camera, choose select from camera roll, and select the screen shot you just took. Crop it to have just the photo, not the stuff around it. Post the cropped screen shot, and then you just reposted a picture on Instagram!

- Johnny - 12-30-2013 07:50 AM

Re-Post? You shouldn't be posting pictures more than once unless you want to lose all your followers. If you want to post a picture, just click the blue button in the bottom of the app and either choose a photo from your library or take a photo straight off of the app. The app is pretty self-explanatory and shouldn't take a lot of time to master! Also, try youtube for a step by step walk through on exactly how to do it, a visual aid would do a lot more for you than me explaining it.