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Is it bad I dont have a lot of pictures on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it bad I dont have a lot of pictures on Facebook? - Fumbles - 12-31-2013 12:11 AM

I have like 13 photos of my on facebook. All my friends have like hundreds.. I hangout a lot with friends like 6 people, but we never take photos. I have a social life i just dont post it on the internet. But will people think im not social or dont have friends because i barely have photos. I dont want people to think im weird or something because i only have a couple photos. Escpecially girls, what do you think of a guy you like who barely has any pics on Facebook??

- kindbean954 - 12-31-2013 12:22 AM

the lesser the better. hell, even using an alias is preferred.

too many predators out there and people who can easily slander your name by turning you into a 'meme'.

you don't want that.. life is hard enough to fix without that drama.

- Stars - 12-31-2013 12:35 AM

13 is enough. I think it's the norm for guys to have less photos because girls appear to go crazy taking photos of themselves. Some people even upload a million holiday snaps, which i think is daft to have so many pictures of trees and statues.

- Stephanie - 12-31-2013 12:43 AM

By not having a lot of pictures of yourself, you are saying one of three things (or all of them):

1. You are not an attention ho, or
2. You are concerned what can happen to your privacy if you post too much, or
3. You want to get into a good college or get a good job.

When it comes time to apply to colleges or jobs, your friends will have a lot of maintenance to do on their Facebook pages, while you will be fine. Schools and employers are now looking at social media as a way to week out the unreliable people. Party pics are a big no-no.

Keep doing what you're doing. Don't cave into pressure. Keep your life private.