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I just want to read messeges on fb.. NOTHING ELSE...? - Printable Version

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I just want to read messeges on fb.. NOTHING ELSE...? - Vrushant - 12-31-2013 02:33 AM

i want to read my messages... idon't want to see notification... and who is online either.... and also don't want to get online ....


Is there anyway?

- Hirday - 12-31-2013 02:35 AM

u can download facebook message messenger from google play

- confused composing - 12-31-2013 02:39 AM

You have two choices:

â‘  To go directly to your Message in FB, put this
as a shortcut on your home screen of your device.

â‘¡ To get Message sent directly to your email address you use with FB, so you don't have to open FB.
Go to Account Setting ➤ Notification ➤ Email ➤ Edit ➤ open the "See 118" (or other number, depends on what you've done formerly), click Turn On the item you deem most to your need.
Don't forget to click either one of the three choices inside that Email section.

- Jhon - 12-31-2013 02:48 AM

if you are using desktop than download desktop facebook messanger . or if you are using android than download facebook messanger from google play.

or you can see the fb massages comments and notification in your email . By enabling the e mail notification from setting ---- notification.

- Sofia - 12-31-2013 02:58 AM

Off your chat box then you will not show any online friend and you will also be offline for your friends.

- Gurutech - 12-31-2013 03:01 AM

you can use facebook massanger and off you chart there