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How do you change your email name thingy? - Printable Version

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How do you change your email name thingy? - Ipromiseloser - 12-31-2013 08:18 AM

It doesn't work when u doo it .!

- Fred - 12-31-2013 08:30 AM

If you mean your actual email address you can't. An email address is a unique identifier and you would need to create a totally new account. Otherwise we would need to know where you want to change it.

- Daniel - 12-31-2013 08:39 AM

It Should Work To Change your Email Go to Account Settings Where it Says Email Hit Change and you Should Be Able to Put in a New Email Address

Keep in Mind you Can Not Make Up Email Addresses or Put Fake Ones In

For Names Keep in Mind you Have to Use your Real name At All Times you Can Not Make up Names or Put in Fake Ones And There is a Limit As to How Many Times you Can Change your Name

To Change your Name

Go to Account Settings Where it Says Name Hit Change and Than Put in your New Name

Please Note it May Take 24 hours for the Change to Take Effect

You Can Not Change your Name More than 3 Times if you Changed it more than 3 times than you Cant Change it Again