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Do you agree government should NOT be offering social services at tax payer expense? - Printable Version

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Do you agree government should NOT be offering social services at tax payer expense? - Barry Fail - 10-14-2012 02:00 AM

This is not a collectivist country it is supposed to be a free market one. I will never support socialized programs because competition has to be present to keep prices low and quality high. Just look at how government interference in health care has already ruined it with HMOs.
Liberals... there is no argument. When there is no competition prices sky rocket. You get proven wrong over and over again but you keep being delusional... why? Why do you reject logic?

- Defending Sanity - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

No, I'm not an anarchist.

- Rick - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

yes .... this is an obamanation xD

- isurvived - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

There is a market (read: demand) for sex with underage children. I guess we can consider you to support that supply/demand cycle.

As for HMOs, pay for your own medical bills.

- PTSD is BS - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM


- falsi fiable - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

Then you must not like the following:

running water and sewer
the Interstate Highway System
fire department
city roads
public schools
trash collection
the US military

- Cthulhu - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

Where should state and national parks get their funding from then? They are the peoples, and just because you don't use them, doesn't mean you shouldn't equally fund them. I'm also in favor of East Missouri Action Agency, which helps people find jobs available, and helps people get off of social security who don't need it. Thats all I care about though is state and national parks, maybe you should visit them more often so you don't think your tax dollars in that sense are going to waste.

- Ryan Jansen - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

Currently between 45-47 million Americans cant afford healthcare. Imagine if education (even harder to afford) was left to the private sector and the sky rocketed crime rates that would come along with a free market.

- iris054 - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

No. You want a country with small government and no social programs? Take a good look at Haiti, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and Somalia. That's what your "dream country" looks like.


- livelygrass477 - 10-14-2012 02:08 AM

So no more public roads, no fire department?