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What do you think about Facebook? - Printable Version

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What do you think about Facebook? - Lydia - 01-01-2014 01:20 AM

Wondered what other people's opinions are before I decide to get it as I've heard it gets boring after a while and can create unnecessary arguments

- Cayuana - 01-01-2014 01:36 AM

It does get boring I mean its basically for teens to keep up with friends or adults keeping up with family and friends from high school but it has great privacy options but it can get lame.

- Chase - 01-01-2014 01:47 AM

Honestly, Facebook is a stupid way to waste time online, but what isn't these days? I use it only to keep in touch with a very good friend who is away at boarding school, and nothing else. Its just more social media.

- Ashley Tran - 01-01-2014 01:56 AM

Facebook is nice for the matter of keeping up with pictures of yourself and friends at events as well as finding people you want to get to know more. But it does get boring, it's really a waste of time. However I use it for school too- I made a group for my class to keep up with all our assignments and things. And sometimes for colleges they have groups there as well for selling/trading of text books. Do keep in mind though at times, if you have a Facebook- employers will possibly take a look at it and see what you're up to, even ask you to friend them to make sure you're not up to anything!

- ashley - 01-01-2014 02:13 AM

Facebook is just a bunch of drama just people complaining about there problems online