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Unfriending someone on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Unfriending someone on Facebook? - Tj - 01-04-2014 04:24 AM

I'm going to unfriend someone on Facebook, but i'd like to make sure they get a notification of it or something when I do. Is there a way to do this?

- James - 01-04-2014 04:33 AM

No you'll just not been on their friend list!

- Stevie - 01-04-2014 04:43 AM

I don't think there is a way of doing that. But you could make a status hinting at them something like 'I am clearing out my facebook today and deleting people, if you're gone don't add me back' Or something.

But if I was you then I would just delete them and wait for them to realise or if its some sort of issue then I'd just take it up with them and tell them you'll be deleting them lol.

- Silent Shadow - 01-04-2014 04:50 AM

Why would you want the attention? If you truly want to discontinue your friendship with said person, then why do you want try and get his/her attention? That isn't needed. But if you really want to let them know, send them a message yourself telling them that you want to discontinue your friendship and then unfriending them. But there's no need for them to know about it.

- staggmovie - 01-04-2014 04:52 AM

No not really you will just have to deal them yourself if you want them to know, as Facebook doesn't notify people when Facebook friend unfriends them, and maybe it is for the better.

- Sassylover - 01-04-2014 04:58 AM

Not unless you tell them. I went from having 864 friends now I have 80. I was so sick of people ignoring me on that site & hardly anyone noticed or even cared.

- Aaron - 01-04-2014 05:10 AM

There currently is no option to be notified, If you choose to unfriend someone, you will be removed from that person's friends list as well.

- Happy Girl 20 - 01-04-2014 05:26 AM

No. When you are unfriended you do not get any kind of notification that you have been unfriended. The only way to know is to keep a record of how many friends you have on Facebook, and if your friend count decreases, one reason is that you have been unfriended, or that some of your "friends" have de-activated their Facebook accounts.