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If you're not friends with someone on facebook can you still send them a message? - Printable Version

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If you're not friends with someone on facebook can you still send them a message? - Valeria Ramirez - 01-04-2014 11:37 AM

I want to know if your not friends with someone on facebook are you still able to send them a message? At first I would try to send it and it said my message was not deliver. I tried again and it send. Now I am not sure if it actually send or not. Can someone help me out with it. Because I can't seem to find out if it send even though it said it did. But before it use to say it couldn't send and not it said it has been send.

- Sherwin - 01-04-2014 11:47 AM

yes u can. If it has the message icon u can. Some ppl block non friends from sending messages, but u wouldnt see the message option if they did.

- Jam4798 - 01-04-2014 11:53 AM

If there settings are set up for it, yes

- Oscar - 01-04-2014 12:07 PM

yes, except some people who only acept messeges from friends

- Famous - 01-04-2014 12:19 PM

You can, but now it gets sent to their "other" folder if you are not friends with them.

- Daniel - 01-04-2014 12:24 PM

Yes you Can But It May Go To The Other Folder

Messages That Get Sent to the Other Folder No Notifcations are Sent