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Caught stalking on Linkedin? SO EMBARRASSED? - Printable Version

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Caught stalking on Linkedin? SO EMBARRASSED? - ★ - 01-04-2014 12:45 PM

So I made a Linkedin account a few weeks ago. I didn't really know how to use it and started searching up random classmates, acquaintances, friends. I went on some of their accounts multiple times just because I was bored... and I have cyberstalking tendencies.

Well I'm just finding out NOW that they get notified of who views their profiles and how many times. OMG I AM SO EMBARRASSED. For my friends, I don't really care, but for those acquaintances.... Oh my lord. They must think I'm creepy as f*ck and have no life.

Please help, what do I do Sad

- Janet - 01-04-2014 12:57 PM

The exact same thing happened to me with Facebook. I opened an account under another name only to reply to a story about something and musnt've signed out. So I started looking up relatives etc and facebook contacted them that I wanted to be friends. They knew that it was me. That was the one and only time I ever had anything to do with facebook and look what happened. Anyway, back to you. It looks like we all have cyberstalking tendencies. I think it's human nature. What's done is done. Just try and think up something in case they ever say anything to you. I'd bet they've all done it as well.

- adaviel - 01-04-2014 01:13 PM

I have a Linkedin account and have never found that feature - I certainly don't get email if someone views my page.
The privacy settings seem to allow you to change whether people see your name or not, and it seems they'd actually have to go look, and maybe upgrade to a premium account.

I wouldn't sweat it - reading information that people have purposely published online so that it can be read is not stalking.

- Daniel - 01-04-2014 01:19 PM

Thats Not True There is No Way For Anybody On Linkedin To Find Out Who Views Whos profile Where Ever you Read That is False

- Angeleyes - 01-04-2014 01:35 PM

There's no need to worry, it's not true that people can find out who views anyone's profile.