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How do I get more followers on Tumblr/Twitter? - Printable Version

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How do I get more followers on Tumblr/Twitter? - Profoundsea287 - 09-30-2012 05:38 PM

I'm new to both Twitter and Tumblr, but more Tumblr. But I need some help/tips on how I could possibly get more followers. So far I have none on my Tumblr. Please help!

- Timmy - 09-30-2012 05:46 PM

Try following lots of people.
If you see a pic, or something you like, follow the one who posted/reblogged it.
A lot of people follow back.
Not all, though.
It's how I got most of my followers, on Tumblr.

For Twitter, I really have no idea.
Maybe follow random people?

Anyways, the Tumblr thing works.
I got 20+ followers from doing it.

- Shelby - 09-30-2012 05:46 PM

Tips to getting more followers-
Post lots, don't go too long without posting something or your followers will lose interest.
Post interesting stuff, people don't want to see pictures of your cat or what you are wearing that day, it just isn't interesting.
Make posts that vary, like don't always post pictures, and don't always make text posts. That gets boring.
Advertise like you are on here.
Like and reblog people's pictures so your name gets out there more.
Reply to people's questions.
Ask people questions, like.. in their ask box. or just tell them you love their blog and stuff.
Tag your stuff, so when people search your posts come up.
And some people just follow back when you follow them.

What do people like on tumblr:

Harry Potter
Universe pictures.
Mean Girls quotes or pictures.
Pictures of water.
Anything funny.

Basically anything. But those are the main ones I can think of right now.
& I ALWAYS follow back!

- Amanda - 09-30-2012 05:46 PM

post/tweet often
make interesting post/tweets
retweet/reblog and like posts often
follow those who follow back
follow your followers back
for twitter follow people who do shout outs
be patient

- Dung - 09-30-2012 05:46 PM

Follow me, I follow people back Smile

- Kevin john Island - 09-30-2012 05:46 PM

Target Your Audience. And my one strategy in doing this is posting free inspiration quotes to my followers. Keeping my post useful and helpful.