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How can I convince my parents to let me get a Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I convince my parents to let me get a Facebook? - Bittervein376 - 01-06-2014 01:00 PM

I had an Instagram and my mom said that I was on it way to much (witch I don't think I was but anyway) and that's why she won't let me get a Facebook. She thinks that I'm "going to have my nose in it all the time" How can I convince her to let me get one? I'm 13 if that helps. Oh and all most all the people in my grade have one.

- Valerie - 01-06-2014 01:06 PM

Maybe try to write up a contract with your mom about it and have both of y'all to sign it. Say that you won't get on Facebook till all your homework is done and you will only spend 10 minutes a day on it. I did this with my parents and they agreed.

- Alicia - 01-06-2014 01:11 PM

What you need to do is talk to your mom about this. Tell her that if she allows you to have a Facebook page, you will limit your time on it. You can check your page once in the morning and once at night just to keep up with friends.

I reference an article below that gives some guidelines to be followed by parents and kids when it comes to Facebook. When you prove that you can use this responsibly, the rules will probably be loosened up by your parents. There are also some good articles in that blog that refer to Instagram and other social networking sites. They could prove helpful to both you and your parents.

My advice would also be to limit your time on Instagram to show that you can use social networking responsibly and not make it your whole life.

And just as an aside: you're 13 years old, you should know that "witch" and "which" (which is the word you SHOULD have used) are not the same things. Spend more time on schoolwork than you do on social networking.