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Facebook trolling...? - Printable Version

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Facebook trolling...? - Janny - 01-07-2014 03:53 AM

Several occasions I've seen or heard about events whereas people have created fake Facebook pages under the name of a legitimate company and then replied to their customers posts/complains (i.e. Jetstar last year, Coles, Kmart, Target etc...).

Obviously they are not directly hacking, but are using their trademark names etc..
Would such companies actually take action on individuals doing this? Obviously their fake pages and deleted and banned, but beyond that what happens? Do they just let it slide and file it under the risks of operating a social media page, or are they able to work with Facebook to track down those responsible to take legal action?!

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this!


- Master N - 01-07-2014 03:54 AM

No. There won't be any action taken whatsoever. If that were the case, millions of people would be arrested daily. Instead facebook opted to create a way for these companies to verify their legitimacy with a little blue check mark next to it's name. Everything else is just considered a fan page.

- SocksSo - 01-07-2014 04:00 AM

It just so happens I was reading through the community guidelines and rules for reporting the other day as I was making sure a boys photo would be removed for graphic, brutal violence.

You should report this page, you have the options to use it as a spam/scam or as a page disrupting intellectual property.

They can't completely ignore it but most of the time Facebook will overlook anything, they overlooked a status the other day calling black people the N word, threatening them, swearing, extremely vulgar with threats in it as not being against their guidelines so it might be very hard.

If you can make a picture like a shot of the page and a caption and post it on your timeline, share it, get other people involved. Report the page, post on the pages wall and even contact some of the people to stop them from being scammed then do so until Facebook can remove the page.

It is very rare they remove a page. A girl posted a page campaigning for me to kill myself and had all death threats, homophobic abuse, racism and everything on it handing out my personal details and the page was not removed at all.

- bcnu - 01-07-2014 04:14 AM

Whether or not FB or YT or other website takes any action (which is unlikely), the trademark owners have a legal obligation to "protect" their brand from misuse, including going after anyone who "pretends" to represent the company or its products and services.

The ignorant people who put such things into play are risking their entire life savings and anything they might acquire for the next 20 years, as potential "damages" to a big brand.