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Is Taiwan part of China? If yes, how come we can access Facebook in Taiwan? - Printable Version

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Is Taiwan part of China? If yes, how come we can access Facebook in Taiwan? - Ivan - 01-07-2014 03:56 AM

- Sagar D - 01-07-2014 03:59 AM

Taiwan has only been under the control of China's government for four years of this century. Following periods of Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese rule, Japan ruled the island from 1895 to 1945, and there is a strong legal case to be made that the people of the island should determine its future international status, without interference form their own government of China. However, the present government of Taiwan and the government of mainland China both insist that Taiwan is an integral part of China.

- Alan917 - 01-07-2014 04:07 AM

You seriously need to study some history.

Read here ....

- Daniel - 01-07-2014 04:13 AM

Just Type in if you Cant Access it than your Blocked And you cant Access it

- Harry - 01-07-2014 04:27 AM

It's not. They are two independent countries.
The relationship between the two nations is a bit similar to it of Britain and the US.
We all know that once upon a time the UK dominated both England and the States.
After the independent war, USA became an independent nation.
On the other hand, the current Taiwanese government used to control both mainland China and Taiwan.
However, after the communists arised and took over mainland China, the current Taiwanese government had no choice but to escape to the last province under their control, which is Taiwan.
Many of the ppl in the world thought Taiwan belongs to China simplely because the current Chinese government has been pressing most of the govenments in the world to admit that Taiwan is nothing but a province of China.
Consider this situation, assuming the States grows more and more powerful, and the UK becomes weaker and weaker, then the USA tells the world that the two countries (UK, USA) were once a same country. Even there had been wars and other events, USA and the UK are always parts of a joint nation. Therefore the States claims the UK as part of their territory. And they tell all the countries in the world that any country wishes to establish diplomatic relation with USA must first break their current diplomatic with the UK.
That's basically just what happened between Taiwan and China. Eventually Taiwan becomes more and more isolated, and ppl who didn't lean about the issue believe that Taiwan is just a part of mainland China.