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Didn't Ryans plan for investing Social Security funds in the markets get tried in England? - Printable Version

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Didn't Ryans plan for investing Social Security funds in the markets get tried in England? - solomon - 10-14-2012 03:44 AM

Isn't that why a lot of Brits are now destitude with nothing because they lost everything when Englands markets went sour ???
NEIL There is NO social security fund to rob !!!!Reagan changed that and had all the monies collected from SS put into the general fund.. GORE in 2000 suggested we go back to a ''LOCK BOX with funds from SS and have it back separate again..Well, you know how that came out ! The right and republicans HATE social programs of ALL kinds and tries to NOT FUND them out of existence.. That's what Ryans privatilazation plans would do to SS , Medicare, Health care and anything else which might not benefit the rich and corporate America.. Face it, Corporate America and special interests OWN America and buys the GOVT. POLITICIANS to get whatever it takes to satisfy their greed !!

- Jonah - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM

I think Romney's proven a few times over that he knows how to work the stock market. He would likely double whatever he put in.

- smallkitten871 - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM


the brits have a tax rate of 90% for the top earners along with heavy regulation, and strict gun control.

they also support infanticide:

- jaker - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM

A lot of them lost big time when Obama went after BP and caused their stock to crash and forced them to stop paying the dividends those retirees were living on. Did you know that if you die at age 65 your Social Security account disappears? Nothing gets passed on to your heirs. If you had been investing in a private account for 40 years there would likely be a very tidy sum. Enough to produce far more income than you will get from SS.

- My Baby! - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM

You do understand that Medicare and Social Security is going broke don't you?

Ryan's plan is to keep it solvent for now yet over many years people can opt out and invest their money how ever they like. let's face it the government does not know how to stop spending and they have been stealing this money for years.

As for England no they did not try this.

- Neil5624 - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM

Several years ago, the idea to let citizens opt out of paying into Social Security and instead investing in the market was making the rounds. A South American country, Argentina(?) did this and it worked very well. This plan is appealing to some because they see where Liberal politicians are raiding the SS funds and can foresee the SS system being bankrupt in the not too distant future. They would rather take their chances on the market.

- Bopped - 10-14-2012 03:52 AM
