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Did she block me on whatsapp? please? - Printable Version

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Did she block me on whatsapp? please? - Dorflant - 01-07-2014 11:39 AM

We went on a date and it seems to have went well, we even set up a second date for next week. So she is the one who in fact suggested we start chatting on whatsapp. For the past three days we have been having daily short lived convos, not awkward and not really flirty either. So the last text was initiated by her, she evn asked how my day was, but suddenly the next morning her time stamp is stuck on 'last seen yesterday at 23:57' that is around the time we stopped. So at 3 pm I texted her 'hey you Smile' but I'm surprised because my message is stuck on one check mark, I can see her time stamp and it's active, if she is online I can see but my last message is still on one check mark! I don't understand, we were not even bad terms. I read up on the internet on how to know if someone has blocked you, but I notice the general agreement is that if there is a combination on TWO or more signs, not one. But I only see one sign (the checkmark thing). What could this mean? should I text her again?

- Criags List - 01-07-2014 11:50 AM

Hmmm, was u having internet problems on ur phone wen it sent? That miite be it... and I wuld text her again and say hey did u get this? And see wat it does... u kno jus for a test to see if she will txt bak, and also to see if it works.I see no reason y she wuld do that to u. But if she did, don't let that bother u, keep ur head up, theirs plenty of fish in the sea. (And if she did, then their is better ppl out their for u then her, she's immature if she did that)

- Daniel - 01-07-2014 11:51 AM

No She Did Not Block you if She Did you Would Not Be Able to See Her On Facebook At All if Shes Ignoring you She Mite Be Either Annoyed With you Or She may Not Be Interested in you Or Something Ask Her to Find Out

- Zack - 01-07-2014 11:57 AM

Reinstall app and if she blocked you the message wouldn't of have gone through . Also if she blocked you would see her on there it would be as if shes not on there.