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what does he mean by this? - Printable Version

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what does he mean by this? - KelHATESorangesoda - 01-07-2014 11:48 AM

A boy posted on my new facebook pic "CPR?" At first I thought what a bitch he means my panda eyes, like I'm dead?
Then I thought maybe he meant kiss? does that sound like i'm being vein or do you agree, he's pretty open about the fact he likes me I like him back...
I said B*tch I wasn't being totally derogatory sorry if I offended anyone I didn't know it'd get bleeped
Really? wow... wish I hadn't asked now... I guess hopefully it could be checking people randomly.
I asked the boy however when we were on chat later and he took down the comment....

- Tony - 01-07-2014 12:01 PM

In that context, it likely means "checking people randomly", but in l33t speak it can also means "complete and professional retard".