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Did he block me on facebook? - Printable Version

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Did he block me on facebook? - Ry W - 01-08-2014 11:18 AM

So one of my friends I went to high school with accepted my friend request. Last night we started to chat and message about how our summer went and stuff and just small talk, it was nice hearing from him. Then he told me that he had to go cause he had work tomorrow and that he was getting some sleep, he told me that it was nice hearing from me and that he couldn't wait to talk some more later on. So I said me too and have a good night so that was that.

This morning I woke up, went on facebook to visit his page. All of a sudden I get this message saying "Sorry this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken or the page may have been removed." I find that strange cause, when I try searching for him, I do see him with his picture but when I click on the name, it gives me the same message. I even try going on the messages and his picture is blank and says "You cannot reply to this conversation. Either the recipient's account was disabled or its privacy settings don't allow replies." If he did block me, I don't understand why he did. I'm sorry this is long, but advice would be appreciated thanks.
I dont have his number, but I know where he lives.

- Steve - 01-08-2014 11:30 AM

He either blocked you or he disabled his account.

- Michael - 01-08-2014 11:44 AM

''I don't have his number. but I know where he lives.''
Get over there and kick his ass.

- JUGGERNAUT - 01-08-2014 11:45 AM

Usually when people block me on Facebook Ill go to my messenger app and it will say something like "blocked user" or something like that and doesn't show a picture. Then I think two people deleted their accounts and it just says Facebook user. When I click on their names it tells me the page I requested was not found