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POLL: Do you judge others when their statuses get no/few likes/comments? - Printable Version

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POLL: Do you judge others when their statuses get no/few likes/comments? - Sarah - 01-08-2014 01:02 PM

This is just a sort of poll thing out of curiosity.If someone has a low amount of likes/comments on a certain post, do you judge them (think they have no friends, are lame, etc.) Not think anything of it and move on, or like/comment out of sympathy?
Me personally, I have a habit of judging others for their amount of friends/followers/likes, so does my best friend. But I've heard from several other people that those on Facebook really don't care about how much feedback a certain status will get. Is this true? I'm just getting sick of Facebook it's like a huge popularity contest...

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. That's it.

- Limesticks - 01-08-2014 01:13 PM

They probably have fewer friends that are active on facebook. That's all, really.

- Legendz (Zigtag) - 01-08-2014 01:24 PM

I mean sort of but sometimes there's people at my school are popular af but they don't get many likes in their statuses or photos ,its because they just don't care that much of their social networks , same goes the other way ...there's some people that get A LOT of likes but they aren't as popular at school, it kind of depends of how social you are, if your cute, and if the content your putting out is appealing to people and interesting....but really I judge a little but sometimes I don't ,because it all comes down to how I get along with that person