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Is it weird that I hardly go on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it weird that I hardly go on Facebook? - Lauren - 01-08-2014 02:41 PM

I got Facebook when I was in school back in 2009 but now that I'm a second year in college I hardly go on it. I feel like it's just become boring. I still accept friend requests from people I know and get tagged in pictures by other people but I just feel stupid to update random pictures or status updates.

Most of my time is spent studying (law degree), being involved in other activities or going out so I'm rarely on social networks anyway. A few of my friends post pictures of themselves going out all the time, or take pictures of themselves studying and I just think it's odd. I mean, we all study and go out but it just seems pointless to keep posting about it every single day.

Am I alone in this?

- Vulcan - 01-08-2014 02:51 PM

Not at all FB is a useless Zoo for the global cattle

- Lucy - 01-08-2014 03:03 PM

Facebook is one of the most pointless things ever created. I don't have an account anymore cos if I wasn't being poked I was having sheep thrown at me and it was just lame. People who have to broadcast their entire life over a website should be sectioned. I don't miss Facebook and never will. If they were to ever shut down that site, 90% of the population would have a meltdown cos they can't update their status to tell everyone they've just picked their nose or summit. Trust me, your better off without.

- corncrake - 01-08-2014 03:14 PM

No, you've grown up and other stuff has taken its place besides it's a certain type of person who always took it to the extremes isn't it? they are the ones still posting like mad. I've noticed a swing towards twitter but that's even more baffling and weird because it's seems even more obsessed with followers etc. People have become weary of facebook too which explains the dropoff but twitter is rather favoured by employers and people like yourself.

- Jacob Bennett - 01-08-2014 03:26 PM

Of course not! It's good that your more concentrated on your studies than being one of those ego-centric Facebook addicts that feel the need to post "(NAME) is bored" every 5 seconds as if anyone cares.

Just do your own thing, if you don't like Facebook, don't use it. Even if your friends are Facebook addicts and probably think it's stupid that you don't use it, but who cares!?

- Brig - 01-08-2014 03:28 PM

I don't think so. You've changed and just like anything else, things around you will as well. Meaning friends, things you do, your outlook etc.

I remember when it started, 2004. Since I work for a college, soon after that facebook listed our college. Yet we didn't offer email (except in our department, to computer/math students). Every student came to us asking for an email to join.

In any case, no you are not alone.

Many people use it just to keep in touch, pictures, events and such, with family and or friends. Maybe to play a game.

Others, well, they've gone mad with it. But those people would go mad on any social web page.

You aren't alone and shouldn't even think about it that way.

Good Luck with your degree.

- Billandhiscat - 01-08-2014 03:38 PM

How nice to meet you and to read your opinion about Facebook. I recall hearing about this programme when it first became popular, and thought that there must be some advantage in becoming a member. I have sought numerous opinions from Facebook member in my search for opinions, but so far have been unlucky in finding a logical answer. I fully appreciate that it is an easy means of continual contact, but apart from that it seems to serve no purpose at all. It is however a wonderful method of telling others all of your business, but so far I can see no advantage in doing that, and I'm certainly not interested in the affairs of others. I genuinely would like to know, for i feel that I must be missing some great advantage, but so far the reason escapes me.
If you do suddenly discover this elusive reason that even the members seem unable to explain, will you please let me know ?

- H - 01-08-2014 03:52 PM

Honestly, it's getting boring and I'm starting to see some bull****.

- PrincessWonder - 01-08-2014 04:05 PM

You are not alone. I have never had a Facebook, Twitter or any other social media account. Its all trouble if you ask me, what's wrong with email and phone. No one wants to know if you've just had lunch or whatever. Its overrated and dangerous. "new way of communicating" fiddlesticks!