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I feel insecure because i deleted my social accounts? - Printable Version

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I feel insecure because i deleted my social accounts? - oooOOooo - 01-09-2014 05:16 PM

I deleted tumblr facebook twitter instagram so i can focus on my school work and not waste time. But i feel weird and insecure.... i feel like i need those again. They were 80% of my life. Is it because i was too addicted?? How do i not feel this way??

- Amara - 01-09-2014 05:29 PM

do what you intended to do ... focus in school

or reactivate them and go on them for a limited amount of time .,

- Nikola - 01-09-2014 05:33 PM

no, in my opinion ,it's good that you deleted those stuff because there is the place where ur info is leak to unknown people

- Stephanie - 01-09-2014 05:36 PM

i am going through the same thing. i am not that obsessed with social media but i am obsessed with the internet in general. take it day by day. get a hobby or but ur phone up somewhere you cant see it. wait a whole day without getting on and reward urself with a cupcake or something

- ? - 01-09-2014 05:44 PM

You were addicted. Just focus on school work, get done the things you need to get done, and if you have extra time, go hang out with friends face to face. If it really drives you crazy, pick one and only one. Don't get sucked back into having all of them then you need to spend time doing other things.