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Which one of these Business majors got the most "social" jobs? - Printable Version

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Which one of these Business majors got the most "social" jobs? - Hamani - 10-14-2012 04:27 AM


Which one of these got the least boring job and most social job where you need to contact people etc? And what are it's job opportunities?

I heard accounting jobs is pretty boring, is that true?

I also heard that Marketing gets terrible salary and not many job opportunities, is that true?

- XJH - 10-14-2012 04:35 AM

Obviously accounting. Haha, I'm kidding. Something people need to realize is that business is black and white. Majoring in something doesn't mean you'll do it for the rest of your life and there are many things you can do with a particular major.

Before I answer further, I have to tell you employers favor quantitative degrees like accounting, finance, economics, as opposed to more liberal degrees like marketing and entrepreneurship. This is because they believe marketing and such are "soft" skills which anyone can do, while not everyone knows accounting inside out. I know many people would debate this but that is just how things are.

To directly answer your question, then entrepreneurship is the least boring and most social job. This is because entrepreneurs do a lot of things themselves i.e. persuading customers, making contacts, etc.

In terms of job opportunities, accounting is the best. It is widely regarded as the most difficult business major (again, debatable but that's how many see it) but accountants get paid very well. After your undergraduate degree you can also take the CPA exam (Chartered Public Accountant exam) and get paid even more! However finance is good too. I've browsed through online forums in the past though and people give me the impression accounting is a superior degree to finance.

Most people would agree accounting is a boring degree. People who take it in high school and in the first year of their business degree generally don't like it. However I have a couple of friends who find it very interesting. It's all down to preference but most people find it pretty boring.

Unfortunately it is true. For marketing majors, the job opportunities as a fresh graduate are quite bad. There are very few decent positions for marketing majors and the positions that are available to them are typically sales jobs, a lot of work hard for little pay. I was originally going to major in marketing until people started telling me this. Once you get into a high position it looks really fun and interesting though.

Something worth considering is majoring in finance and then shifting to the marketing department. Haha, just a thought though.

Hope this helps and good luck with your decision!