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Face book confusion; Can I tell who hides my posts and is that still an option? - Printable Version

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Face book confusion; Can I tell who hides my posts and is that still an option? - anonymous - 01-10-2014 12:51 AM

Is there any way to tell if someone hides all your posts, like pictures and stuff. I know that used to be an option but I don't see it as one anymore so does that mean everyone sees them. Also like you know how there is a favourites section in your chat list, would that mean those people definitely see your stuff, cuz it is hard to know if some friends don't comment or like any of your stuff if they actually see it? Is there a secret way to know?

- noisyqueen620 - 01-10-2014 12:52 AM

nope. not as far as i know

- Antonio - 01-10-2014 12:57 AM

Nope. I've been hiding peoples' post a lot. just too much nonsense lol. But yeah they won't know if you block their wall posts.