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How to share only some pictures on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to share only some pictures on Facebook? - SickOfTakenUsernames - 01-10-2014 07:45 AM

My aunt's posted all our family holiday pictures on Facebook and I want to share some of the pictures with my friends.
I know how to share an album and I know how to share individual photos, but my problem is there's only about 15 out of the 100+ photos that I want to share with my friends.
I don't want my friends seeing lots of images of my aunts, uncles, cousins etc - who would all be strangers to them - so I can't share the entire album, but I also don't want to share each photo individually as it would spam everyone's timelines and stuff.

Is it possible to share only a group of pictures from someone's album and, if so, how do you do it?
Thanks in advance :-)

- sewrobb - 01-10-2014 07:58 AM

In your profile up in the right hand corner is a cog wheel [same one you log of with] and click on Privacy settings

Under the headings Privacy, Timeline and Tagging and Followers you can set up who sees what!

- madison - 01-10-2014 08:10 AM

Since you were extremely rude on my post I'm just gonna tell you instead of reporting you. I wanted people to HELP me think of names and ages and things for my book. You are incredibly rude for saying what you did. I hope you think about it next time.