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How do i send a twitter message to Film2011? - Printable Version

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How do i send a twitter message to Film2011? - jboothmillard - 10-14-2012 04:39 AM

I really want to send a twitter message to Film 2011 on BBC1, I preumed their messaging address was @BBCFilm2011, but when I attempted messaging this address, it just said You can't email anyone not following you. Am I sending to the wrong message, does anyone know how to send a message to Film 2011, so that it can hopefully be read out on the programme?

- Kirie - 10-14-2012 04:47 AM

I would suggest sending them an @ message and let them know you want to privately message them but can't since they're not following you. If someone is keeping an eye on it, they might be able to do that or give you an alternative way to contact you.