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What should I do, lost my job @63 years of age, the job market sucks, go on social security and fade away? - Printable Version

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What should I do, lost my job @63 years of age, the job market sucks, go on social security and fade away? - Kenneth - 10-14-2012 05:27 AM

- apopkaflowerchild - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

First of all, sorry that you lost your job. I would go on social security and maybe get a part time job.

- Steve C - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

one: learn how to spell "at" (i would fire someone to if there to lazy to spell at)

two: if the job market sucks then theres nothing you can do right? so either find a job and live with it or go jobless and hope to god you somehow make it.

- imask8r - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

NOT fade away...........
you will stay healthy emotionally and mentally if you challenge yourself to get another job..........don't focus on the past, focus on the future...63 is still young, as my 85 year old aunt forces me to see...she sure hasn't slowed down.....
Your experience is needed somewhere, just find that place.........may not be in the same industry or pay level, but what matters is you matter.........Good Luck!

- dmwojo83 - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

Depends on if you are financially able to retire now or not.

- Hazmat - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

It depends on a number of conditions.

-Are you financially stable enough to start receiving SS and live without working?
-Do you want to stop working? Seriously.
-Is there anything you wish you could go back and do? It might be possible.

Sixty-three isn't considered that old anymore. You can actually get federal financial aid to take a class or two (or three) at a college.

There are tons of jobs opening in the health care industry if you need a job. These jobs include anything from information desk work to doctors. Maybe you could become a Certified Nurse's Assistant (very quick to do).

This is just an example. But no, don't fade away. Smile

- DvSkV - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

Though you did not mention if you still had family, if I were in Your Shoes,,,it is simply a matter of analyzing incoming cash flow, thus

First I would file for unemployment and also ask for a explanation of how much $$ would be incoming in? how soon & when you could expect to receive such recurring check(s) bec that info would provide & allow you to begin budgeting & planning how to cutback expenses severely to absolute bare bones minimum. If you didn't or neglected doing so would only put more stress on yourself mentally and even could affect your health so FOCUS on Short-Term Goals is a must!

Bec any job(s) might be hard to find where maybe there are many others also out of work as well, unfortunately your age might be a burden bec say if only one opening, then you cannot really fault or blame an employer for picking someone younger with equal or more experience and also unemployed with like a family of little kids. It's not for you to decide so it's best for you to attend church & pray to the Lord asking God to answer your prayers and guide you through tough times. In the meantime, you have to be humble and NOT let what others may think or be choosy bec any job even McDonald's or fast foods means temporraily cash flow to hold you over etc until economic times change and certainly is better than staying at home unemployed which will drive you crazy.

That being said, Yes in your situation who can blame you for applying for reduced Social Security bec what the heck, another monthly check in addition to unemployment checks can only help....

Best of Luck in Job Search and Stay Tough Mentally <= Hope the Above Info Helps!

- rayt721 - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

You have two choices and I don't mean to be blunt... accept or change. You can accept the situation you are in or you can change it. You are not useless at 63 although you may feel so with the recent change of employment but you've got alot of experience that surely some company can use or you may be able to pick yourself up and start your own business... selling, consulting, or whatever. You may get social security but I don't think it'll start overnight. Have you thought about calling a social service agency like United Way to ask for a counselor??? This is a difficult time for you and that's what they are there for. Don't fade away. You can work for another year, two years, ten years or more. What's important is to do what you love, love what you do, and realize that the money will follow. You cannot achieve your goals if you haven't set them go grab a sheet a paper and a pen and get busy. What are your hopes and dreams??? Try to accomplish at least three to five of them before you totally give up.

- Jim B - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

It depends on your skill set. Age, any more is not a factor. I started my new career at the age of 50 and I am making more now than ever. But, you have to think outside of the box. You do not have to work for someone else - you can work for yourself as I do as an Equipment Leasing Broker. I bring parties together that want to buy equipment with those that want to lend money. It is very financially rewarding as well as personally rewarding. Sit down and decide what makes you happy and do the research and your answer will come to you. Good Luck ! -

- fairbetsy - 10-14-2012 05:35 AM

Don't give up yet! If you retire now you will get a much smaller payout and will have restrictions on your future income. Keep applying everywhere!
Try retail that corresponds to your former employment, ie Auto Zone if you were a car mechanic or Home Depot if you were in the building trades. Sure retail can be hard work, but at 63 you will have a very easy time outsmarting your boss.