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My friend has not been on Facebook for a week and a few days? - Printable Version

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My friend has not been on Facebook for a week and a few days? - Amanda - 01-12-2014 11:30 PM

He is my friend and crush we both like each other and we kissed before. I sent him a few messages but he never saw the messages or he did and didn't respond. He is only 17 what could be going on? I'm worried!

- Rezluz Prwure - 01-12-2014 11:35 PM

He is dead, Jim.

- Lawrence Mercieca - 01-12-2014 11:43 PM

Call the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If he doesn't respond in the next 2 seconds sacrifice yourself to the sun god of Omicron Persei 8 then jump around while saying you're a teapot

- Laviolette - 01-12-2014 11:44 PM

Just continue waiting...
Patience is a great value...
Send him messages as " What happened to you, I 'm very worried! Are you okay?"
Hope this helpsSmile

- Gene Luc - 01-12-2014 11:55 PM

Assuming this is a REAL friend you have previously met and communicate by other means - since you write "My friend" in your question and not just random readers on FB.

Is your telephone not working?

Can't send emails on your family computer?

Also assuming this is not a 40 year old pervert looking for some young stuff!

In the "olden days" letters could take 2 weeks to reach lovers and friends. Even more when further away. Now if you don't get instant replies people go bonkers!

- M.W.K.C.L - 01-13-2014 12:00 AM

So don't you have other ways to contact him outside facebook ?. I think he left u.

- Justin - 01-13-2014 12:15 AM

There may be any reason dear. May be he is too busy that he is not using Facebook right now or may be he don't wanna be in any relationship with you any more. The reason can be any. If you have his contact then just go and talk to him personally. It may reduce your worry much more. Don't panic all will be good.