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MY MOM HAS GONE COMPLETELY MENTAL? - Stephenie Stephens - 10-14-2012 05:29 AM

we just recently got back from a cruise (Allure of the Seas). Ive had my iphone for about three months and my facebook for about 9 or 10. So all of a sudden, just a day after we get back from the cruise, my mom asks for the password to my iphone, facebook, and email. LIKE WTF?! She asked for my sister's too!

We both went into our emails, deleted everything. We deleted ALL of our text messages, facebook messages, Iphone pictures, social media apps (because she thinks facebook is all we have).

Theres two really big problems. 1) on the cruise, we went to the 15-17 teen club party...there was heavy grinding and whatnot. So now, Im afraid that the people who took pictures will post them all on facebook (and i know they will get posted). Now that my mom has the password to my facebook, how am i supposed to hide the pictures from her if she goes threw them??

2) everyday after school, we have to leave our phone in the kitchen while we do homework. I already came up with a codeword for my friends and I for when they can text me and when they cant. I planned that everyday, I'll just delete all of my messages before I get home. But that can be really annoying considering she'll probably come in and snoop and some people dont know our code word yet. IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN HIDE MY MESSAGES WHERE SHE CANT FIND THEM?

yeah, so this is really effed up. she has gone mental. like this is crossing the line and my life was bad enough already. i have seriously thought about killing myself back in seventh grade but I didnt, obviously, because life was finally getting somewhat better (for our family :/) now, its like i get that 'i just want to die' feeling all over again.

can anybody relate? Please tell me anything you know or can do to stop her from finding out anything.

my dad doesnt care. he just goes with whatever my mom says and when she's not there, he's pretty cool and laid back. and if you're wondering why i ever tried to kill myself, its a VERY long story. im a sophmore now and it all started back in sixth grade, so its alot to explain..

- Jennifer - 10-14-2012 05:37 AM

How about you do not disclose your password because there is no reason for that controlling woman to have it.

Where is your father?

- LizzyBethBaby :o) - 10-14-2012 05:37 AM

Let her be nosey for a while & act like u don't care. If ur really not a bad teen. Then u shudnt have nothing to hide. So let her do this. Once she gains ur trust, just be like you see I'm a good kid, now can I please have my privacy back?

- Taylor C - 10-14-2012 05:37 AM

I think your spoiled And just wasted my time, give your mom the passwords, stop complaining at mom because of stuff you did to yourself. Aso maby you should stop doing thing u wouldn't want your mom to see hope this helped. I also think you have a very lucky life and shouldn't be trying to kill yourself