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Ways to tell my friends sorry for not getting back to them on facebook? - Printable Version

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Ways to tell my friends sorry for not getting back to them on facebook? - Day Dreamer - 01-13-2014 01:15 AM

I wanted to post on fb sorry if I haven't gotten back to people, basically I'm going through a lot/depressed and just want to be alone right now...but I don't want to say that last part in those words so how do I say it? Maybe just sorry if I haven't got back to anyone don't take it personally? I don't know

- confused composing - 01-13-2014 01:26 AM

Just say that you're busy with something else and have no time for Facebook....

- Jake - 01-13-2014 01:33 AM

My heart needs a Recovery, Be back soon..

- Angeleyes - 01-13-2014 01:37 AM

Just post on your wall and say "Sorry everyone for not being in touch, have been very busy lately, will catch up with you all soon".