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the social media networks killed music, MTV and cd sales alone? - Printable Version

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the social media networks killed music, MTV and cd sales alone? - Ernie Belmonte - 10-14-2012 05:30 AM

well yesterday i was watching a documentary on vh1 and it was a TRL Decade special which was on MTV from 1998-2008. back in the late 90's and early 2000's MTV had that show and it was successful as it was its version of social networks like facebook, twitter, myspace and all them social networks. people use to always be like outside the studio and see that show and artists would always pop in to that show to promote their music and videos alone.

across the street from the studio was a record store and i heard people after the show would go to that record store and go buy the cds from the artist that they saw on mtv. by the time the mid 2000's came along, social media networks were coming in like myspace, facebook, twitter etc. also, the invention of digital downloads were coming in as well them mp3 players, ipods, itunes as well and all they have to do now is just to download the song.

so now since the invention of digital downloads, cd sales are down as was the show itself people began to dwindle away and the ratings began to be low so it all ended in 2008. the people behind the scenes blamed the social media networks for killing the music world. as 10-15 years ago this wouldn't be happening where everything would have to be so digital now a days.

what do you think, has music gone downhill thanks to the invention of digital downloads and social media networks as well?

- ∂υ¢кy♥ - 10-14-2012 05:38 AM

I think you should complain to the network people, not us.

Here, have a cupcake.

- ? - 10-14-2012 05:38 AM

music has gone downhill because of the greed of the record companies.

- Nguyen - 10-14-2012 05:38 AM

TRL used to suck. (I'm talking 2000, 2001.) The show was mostly commercials and they edited the music videos so they'd have more time to show commercials.