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Need advice: girls on facebook? - Printable Version

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Need advice: girls on facebook? - Dave - 01-13-2014 06:38 AM

I just started college. Since I'm commuting, it is hard for me to meet people. When I'm at home, I go on Facebook, look for he is going to the same college as me and we talk to each other and meet up. Recently I meet a girl I like on Facebook that is going to the same college as me, except that she is going next year. I know if all we do is chat on Facebook, our friendship will die down. What should I do? She lives 15 minutes away from the college, should I ask her if she wants to visit campus and meet up, and if so when would should I ask her?

- J - 01-13-2014 06:49 AM

Fix your english. If you are chatting online it won't do you any favors to sound like a moron.

And yeah see if she wants to come visit. Tell her you could walk her around college and show her around.

Don't show her your tiny "dorm room" til the 3rd date.

- Mary - 01-13-2014 06:52 AM

yeah I think you should ask her to meet you. And as for when...well as soon as possible. Because if you didn't do this now and your relationship died down like you said... well you would probably regret not trying... so just put yourself out there. If it's meant to be it will happen for you.
best of luck to you
hope I helped, sorry if I didn't

- Jenn - 01-13-2014 06:56 AM

After you guys have a few conversations then sure, ask her if she wants to meet up. Expand the Facebook messaging to texting and calls on the phone before you ask her. Just make sure you don't come on too strong, meeting people on Facebook is kind of touchy I don't even do it myself.

- SGM - 01-13-2014 07:11 AM

Do NOT ask her to meet up at college. You ask her to meet you for coffee at a place between her house & your house. It's called a coffee date. If it goes well, then you can call her in a few days and ask her out on a dinner date.

You are really over thinking this. She may meet you and not really even like you in person. So you would be wasting a year waiting around for her.

Make the coffee date. After you say goodbye, email me an update.