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Neighbors Cause Trouble? - Printable Version

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Neighbors Cause Trouble? - Garrett - 01-13-2014 07:44 AM

Every day my neighbors have been left home alone. Every day they scream all day long and have at least 5 other kids over. All of them are about 11 years old and they cause sooooo much trouble. They have tried starting fires and always throw eggs in the street and never clean up.
I was wondering what I can do because it is hard to leave around them. I live in california if that matters. Thanks in advance

- Brooke - 01-13-2014 07:53 AM

Call the police and make a complaint..

- Matthew - 01-13-2014 08:05 AM

Talk to their parents or something. DONT go out and yell at them because then they will mess ur house and target u and ur stuff instead of the street. U would be known as the mean lady or mean man lol that what we called them when we were younger. Just talk to their parents but if their parents are disrespectful people I would just call the police anonymously.

- Angeleyes - 01-13-2014 08:15 AM

Take notes of time and what they are doing, make a complaint to the Police.

- :) - 01-13-2014 08:28 AM

That's insane. if that were me, I will make sure they keep the street clean. They can do what they like in their own home but at least show some respect to the people who are living on the same street. Who do they think they are? breathing children, and let them run wild.