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Ways to get more followers on Quotev? - Printable Version

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Ways to get more followers on Quotev? - Marie - 01-14-2014 11:35 AM

Hey Smile
Any really good ways too get more followers on Quotev.
Like any good ideas??

Please answer ;P

And oh yeah, i used to have an Quotev account last year but i deleted it and i didn't really have much followers but i was nice to everyone, had lots of quizess and that. So now i made a new account
Here is the link to my page-
I hope you can follow me, i follow all my follwers!!

Anyways, please answer my question :3

- Danielle - 01-14-2014 11:38 AM

I know how you feel, I was deleted also..

Basically what you do is get a really, really cool profile first. So, you'll attract other people. I use to use Tumblr and Weheartit for this part.

So first, get a really awesome background, flowery or galaxy, or something that will look together (one piece without you clicking enlarge on quotev)

Next, have a good about me. don't make it to long. Having Gif's and pictures should be only a few (minimum I'd say 2) Put a quote in it or write about yourself (and you can write in third person? idk). Put your likes at the bottom and links, ect..

And now, find a Profile Picture! You can get one from Tumblr or Weheartit, I personally preferred Weheartit but it's totally up to you. If you don't a weheartit or never been on it then you probably won't really know.. Get a picture that's either black&white or that's taken with a really good camera..

Also, have your Quotev put together, I mean how it sits and everything.

Now the other parts! There's a group on Quotev where you can promote yourself. Go there and post and comment on things like crazy.

Lots of people tend to get annoyed when you post on there page so I wouldn't do that.

I'd create a story (if you can write good), all you need is the basic skills..

Pretty much it, just stay updated, like post a lot.